Welcome to the Town of Pawlet, Vermont!
We are located in the beautiful Taconic Mountains 25 miles southwest of Rutland on Vermont’s western boundary. The closest urban concentration is the Village of Granville, just across the New York State line to the west. Adjacent towns to Pawlet are Wells on the north, Danby on the east, Rupert to the south and Granville and Hebron, New York, to the west. Our town is rural, with two major population centers in Pawlet Village, located at the junction of Routes 30 and 133, and West Pawlet, located at the junction of Route 153 with Railroad Street and Egg Street, close to the Town border with Granville, New York. In December 2019 the population of Pawlet was approximately 1,300. The Town offices are located in Pawlet Village. West Pawlet developed around the former railroad depot and the slate industry, with numerous quarries in the vicinity.
The Town of Pawlet is proud of our long history of diversity and inclusion. We affirm our commitment to welcome people of all backgrounds, status, and identity to live, to work, and to visit our Town. We stand for kindness, understanding, neighborliness, peace, tolerance, and respect for and toward all. We stand against racism, bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, violence and hatred in all of their forms. Together we share a commitment and a responsibility for everyone in our Town to be honored, and valued.
Inclusivity Statement – adopted June 1, 2021
Unofficial Election Results, Pawlet November 5, 2024
Town Meeting Information: Certificate of Votes is viewable HERE.
Town Report 2024
The Town Report is now available. To view it, please click HERE.
Online Payments
The Town of Pawlet is happy to announce that we are now able to accept credit card and Electronic Checks for Property Tax and Waste Water User Fee Payments. Click HERE to get started with a payment or call Julie at 802-325-3309 ext 2
West Pawlet water payment assistance program
The Town of Pawlet is now participating in the Household Water Assistance Program through the State of Vermont’s Economic Services Division. If you make less than 60 percent of the median state income and are having a hard time paying your water fees, this program may be able to help out. Visit https://dcf.vermont.gov/benefits/hwa to get instructions and an application. You must include a copy of your water bill with the application. For questions about the Water Assistance Program, call 1-800-339-6433.
Notice: National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline update
According to Consolidated Communications, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted “988” as the new 3-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline starting July 16, 2022. Until then, the number will remain 1-800-273-TALK (8255). In order for this change to work, a new 10-digit dialing procedure must be implemented. This means that anyone in VT must begin using the 802 area code for all local calls. This is effective as of April 24, 2021.
The Select Board has adopted a fraud prevention policy. The policy can be read here: Fraud Prevention Policy
Quick reference:
First Constable – David Ricard, Sr. – 802-645-0344
Second Constable – Tom Covino 802-325-9650
Animal Control Officer – David Ricard Sr. – 802-645-0344
Memo to contractors within the Town of Pawlet from the Select Board regarding conditional use of the Town slag pile
Please follow these guidelines: SlagPileUseJune2023.
Free public WiFi
Free public WiFi is available at the rail trail parking lot across from the wastewater facility. It also reaches down to the parking lot on the monument circle. When you’re at the location, you’ll be able to find and connect to the WiFi – it’s named “West Pawlet Public Wi-fi”
This website is updated regularly. Please let us know what we’ve missed or mistaken, and what else you want to be able to find: email us here.