Pawlet eNews August 9th, 2024
In this Newsletter (Scroll down for details).
Voting Information
Notice of New State Law Regarding Firearms in Polling Places
Pawlet Emergency Management
Links for information when the town clerk is not available
The Pawlet Community Food Shelf
Backyard Burn Reminder
Town of Pawlet now accepts online payments for property tax and waste water user fees
Zoning permits
Town clerk office hours
Library Hours
Did you know?
Highway Department — contact information
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
(scroll down toward the end of the newsletter for details)
August 10, 17, 24, 31: Kids’ reading camp
August 10: Pawlet Library event: Vermont Humanities presents Wolf Peaches
August 13: Statewide Primary
August 14: Pawlett Historical Society Monthly Meeting
August 20: Select Board Meeting
September 3: Pawlet Public Library Monthly Meeting
September 3: Pawlet Selectboard Public Hearing
September 9: Mettowee School Board Meeting
Voting Information
Polls for the August State Primary on August 13, 2024 are open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. No other ballots will be accepted after 7:00 PM.
Campaign items are not permitted at the polling place. Per new state law, firearms are not permitted at the polling place.
Regarding the General Election in November, registered voters are reminded that per state law, all active registered voters will receive their official General Election Ballot in the mail. This ballot can be mailed back, dropped off in person or in the secure drop box on the porch of the town hall, or they may vote on that ballot at the polling place on election day and run it through the tabulator. Coming to the polls without the General Election Ballot will mean that the voter must sign an affidavit before being issued a new ballot.
Looking ahead to Town Meeting 2025, if anyone is interested in running for any open elected official seats, it is not too early to generate petitions for that. The number of signatures required for an elected office position is 1% of the number of registered voters.
As always, feel free to reach out to us at the office at 802-325-3309 ext. 1.
Notice of New State Law Regarding Firearms in Polling Places
Vermont Secretary of State Elections Divisions made the following announcement: If you plan to visit your town clerk’s office this summer, we want to make sure you know about a new state law. S.209 states “A person shall not knowingly possess a firearm at a polling place or on the walks leading to a building in which a polling place is located on an election day.”
This law applies everywhere in Vermont. It requires signs to be posted at the entrances to polling places, so you will see these signs when you come to the town office and/or if you vote in person. The law also addresses specific exceptions, including for law enforcement. It also doesn’t apply to motor vehicles, so people may safely store their firearms in their vehicle as long as they aren’t parked in a location where firearms are otherwise prohibited (such as at a school).
While this law came out of Montpelier and we may or may not agree with specific provisions, we would like to think we can all agree on one thing: democracy works best when we all participate. Please be sure to vote this summer, either in-person or through an absentee ballot. Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to vote. Additionally, please consider volunteering as a poll worker in August and/or November (if interested please reach out by calling your local town clerk’s office. and your name will be given to the Board of Civil Authority whose responsibility it is to procure poll workers).
Vermont ranked #1 in the nation in the Elections Performance Index in both the 2016 and 2020. With your help, we can make the 2024 elections just as successful.
Pawlet Emergency Management
Stay informed and prepared with the latest updates from Pawlet Emergency Management by liking our Facebook page! Our page serves as a crucial hub for disseminating important announcements, including town-wide emergencies such as road closures, shelter openings, and other critical information. By following us, you ensure that you have instant access to all essential updates, keeping you and your family safe. Like our page today and stay connected with the most current emergency information!
– Bob Morlino
Emergency Management Director
For Outdoor Clean-up and burning:
Burning or Fire Permits: Forest Fire Warden: Dale Decker
Deputy Forest Fire Warden: Dave Hosley
A “Permit to Kindle Fire” is required from the Town Forest Fire Warden or Deputy Town Forest Fire Warden for burning untreated wood, brush, weeds, or grass, unless there is 200 feet of separation from the burn site and any flammable materials or there is snow on the site.
A person is not required to have a permit for a campfire (any fire for cooking or warming) on their own land.
Forest Fire Warden Dale Decker
1951 Route 133
Pawlet, VT 05761
Deputy Forest Fire Warden David Hosley
2391 Route 153
West Pawlet, VT 05775
Links for information when Town Clerk is not available:
**All land record recordings from 10/2013 to present are entered into the COTT Online System:
Online maps & Assessor’s cards:
Certified copies of Birth & Death can be procured from any town clerk in the state or online at
The Pawlet Community Food Shelf
The Pawlet Community Food Shelf is undergoing some changes that we hope will help to make it more accessible and easy for anyone who might need some help with food items to receive that help. Currently, the Food Shelf is open on the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 3:30- 5:30 p.m. Anyone who needs food help is welcome to come and pick out the items they might need. Likewise, if someone is unable to get to the church to pick up food, we may be able to deliver needed items. To request such help , please call the church (802-325-3022) between 3:30 and 4:30 on Food Pantry days and arrangements will be made. For emergency food assistance, call the Town Office (802-325-3309).
Backyard Burn Reminder
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation issued a press release providing guidelines for “backyard open burns” of brush, deadwood and tree cuttings. The release can be read HERE.
Town of Pawlet now accepts online payments for property tax and waste water user fees
The Town of Pawlet is happy to announce that we are now able to accept credit card and Electronic Checks for Property Tax and Waste Water User Fee Payments. Click HERE to get started with a payment or call Julie at 802-325-3309 ext. 2.
Zoning Permits
A permit is required for storage boxes and shipping containers. They are considered structures and subject to the same Zoning By-Laws as a building. If you have a storage box/shipping container on your property you must apply for a permit. An exemption is allowed if being used as temporary storage for less than one year. Questions? Contact
Town Clerk Office hours**
Town office will be closed Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.
Monday: 9:30-3:30
Tuesday: 9:00-3:00
Wednesday: 9:30-3:30
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
** Please note: Appointments need to be made ahead of time for land record and genealogical research.
Pawlet Public Library hours of operation
Sunday – Closed
Monday – Closed
Tuesday – 11:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday – 11:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday – 11:00am – 5:00pm
Friday – 10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – 10:00am – 2:00pm
Curbside service is available by appointment on the days the Library is open. Contact the Library staff at 802-325-3123 or
Did you know?
School is back in session this month. Remember – it’s illegal to pass a school bus that’s stopped and displaying flashing red lights. Drive safe!
Highway Department
The Town of Pawlet Highway Department requests that citizens do not come to the town garage to contact them. Please phone and leave a message: 802-325-3467
Upcoming Events Details
August 10, 17, 24, 31 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Kids’ reading camp
Presented by the Pawlet Library, this year’s theme is “Adventure.”
— August 10, 11:00 a.m. — Pawlet Library — presented by Vermont Humanities
Wolf Peaches, Poison Peas and Madame Pompadour’s Underwear: The Surprising History of Common Garden Vegetables (view the flier HERE)
— August 13, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. — Statewide Primary
Polls open at 9 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
— August 14, 7:00 p.m. — Pawlett Historical Society’s Monthly Meeting
Held at Pawlet Public Library. Contact Rose Smith 24 hours in advance if you need to attend via Zoom at 802-645-0306
— August 20, 7:00 p.m. — Pawlet Select Board Meeting
The agenda for the next meeting will be available HERE. The Board meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held according to the rules of procedure established by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns.
— September 3, starting at 5:30 p.m. — Pawlet Public Library Monthly Board Meeting
The Library Board typically meets the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. The May meeting is an exception. The meetings are open to the public; please contact the library for more information on how to join the meeting at 325-3123.
— September 3, 7:00 p.m. — Pawlet Selectboard Public Hearing
The purpose of the Hearing is to repeal the Town of Pawlet Zoning Regulations (Unified Bylaws), per a valid petition that was signed by at least 5% of the Town of Pawlet voters and was received by the Town Clerk on Jan. 17, 2024. The geographic area affected includes all areas of Pawlet.
In person at the town office or join by zoom:
— September 9, 6:30 p.m. — Mettowee School Board meeting
Taking place at the town hall.
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The Pawlet eNews is published about every four weeks. Please forward any information for the eNews to Sean Ruck, Thank you.