Grievance hearings were held on Monday, July 1, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon, with inspections and deliberations following.  Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to provide a link to the recording, but it is available for 30 days at the Town Office. Please make an appointment with the Town Clerk or Assessor if you wish to listen to the hearings.


Grievance forms and instructions can be printed from the website:

Grievance definition
Grievance application instructions
Grievance appeal form
Grievance information from appeals handbook


Recent Activities, 2023: The Grand List signature pages information can be viewed HERE.

The Grand List is a listing of all real property in the Town, and it contains information on each parcel, such as the property owner’s name and mailing address, property location and size, and the assessed value. The information is based on the owner of record on April 1 of each year.

Grievance meeting minutes – July 12, 2023

Grievance meeting minutes — July 6, 2022

Grievance meeting minutes – July 12, 2021

Karen Folger, Assistant Assessor, Town of Pawlet
Monday mornings

Lisa Wright, Assessor
Mondays 9:30 to 2:30 and by appointment

Contact:; 802-325-3309, ext. 102 

Background: In March 2018, Pawlet voters Voters decided to eliminate the Town Lister position in favor of a professionally-qualified assessor appointed by the Select Board. The Board would like to acknowledge retiring Listers Elaine Decker and Karen Folger and Charles Mason and, on behalf of the Town of Pawlet, express its appreciation for their years of service.

The responsibility of the Assessors’ office is to estimate the fair market value of property. Property owners in Pawlet may grieve their assessment if they think their property is not assessed fairly in comparison to similar properties in Pawlet. Copies of the current 2016 Reappraisal Report are available at the Assessors’ Office. The grievance definition and additional information are available here: Grievance Defined and Grievance Information. That information must be reviewed to determine if a grievance process is to be initiated. The next step is to download the Grievance Appeal Form and submit it to the Assessors’ Office. For more information on this process, see Grievance Application Instructions.

GIS Mapping System Now Available: The GIS (geographic information science) mapping system for Pawlet is now available on line and can be viewed at: Several layers of maps are included that give zoning information, soil information, parcel ID, abutting owner information and more. Full Property Record Cards (Lister Cards) are now available on the webpage and can be downloaded or printed. These are updated annually to reflect the current year’s As-Billed Grand List information.