To request emergency services, dial 911 from any telephone.
Fire Protection in Pawlet and West Pawlet
The Town of Pawlet is served by two all-volunteer fire departments: the West Pawlet Volunteer Fire Department and the Pawlet Volunteer Fire Department. The town is divided into two fire districts, with a fire station in each of the two village centers. This allows the prompt delivery of emergency services to both our population centers. The two fire departments are independent organizations, though they train together regularly, share resources, and operate as one at large-scale emergency incidents.
Pawlet’s fire departments are organized as not-for-profit organizations. They are funded partially by an allocation from the municipality which voters approve each year, and partially by donations and fundraisers. Our community’s fire protection is delivered entirely by volunteers, local citizens who donate their time and effort without compensation. Both agencies are always seeking new volunteers, a community service opportunity unlike any other. No experience is necessary and all training and equipment is provided.
In addition to fire suppression, the Pawlet and West Pawlet Volunteer Fire Departments respond to an array of other emergencies, including rescue, addressing hazardous situations like electrical wires down, assisting emergency medical service crews, hazardous materials incidents, and much more. They also develop emergency water supply infrastructure and provide community risk-reduction services, such as teaching fire safety at the school.
The fire stations are not normally staffed, so if you wish to report a hazardous situation or summon help, always dial 911. For non-emergency questions, you may leave a message for the West Pawlet VFD at (802) 645-0276, or the Pawlet VFD at (802) 325-3222. You can also check out the Facebook pages for the Pawlet and West Pawlet fire departments.
Burn Permits
A permit is required to burn brush under Vermont state law (Title 10 V.S.A. Chapter 83 § 2645). A permit is not needed for recreational fires in a firepit, or to burn brush when there is snow cover. Permits are free and help prevent both wildfires and needless emergency response. Please note that only natural, unpainted wood materials may be burnt. Burning trash or construction debris (plywood, painted boards, etc) is illegal.
To obtain a permit, call one of Pawlet’s Forest Fire Wardens: Dale Decker at (802) 325-3721 or David Hosely at (802) 558-6450.
Three Thing You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Home Safer
- Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries by pushing “test” (it should go off). No detector? No beep? No batteries because it kept going off while you cooked and is long forgotten on top of the refrigerator? Fix it, NOW! Having working smoke detectors cuts your risk of dying in a fire in half.
- Make a plan for what to do when the smoke alarms go off. Designate a meeting place outside the house, and make sure everyone knows how to get out and call for help from a safe place. If you have children, have your very own fire drill! Press the “test” button and practice your plan. Do not ever go back inside a burning house for any reason.
- Make sure your address is clearly marked, in a way that firefighters can find it from a moving vehicle on the road. Big, bold house numbers, placed where they will stay out from under snow cover, vegetation, and decorations make all the difference. If your driveway forks, add extra address markers so emergency responders can find you easily.