The Town of Pawlet Highway Department can be reached by phone at: 802-325-3467.

Highway Department Crew: Dale Decker, foreman; Rick Lawrence, Bradford Cram. Contact:

Select board Highway Liaison:
Mail: PO Box 128, Pawlet, VT 05761
Phone, Town Garage: 802-325-3467
Fax: 802-325-6109

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 2291 (4) and 23 V.S.A. 1008 of the Vermont Statutes and Chapter 13 of Title 23:

A person shall not park or leave standing any motor vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon a paved or improved, or the used or traveled part of any highway in the Town of Pawlet, so as to interfere with traffic or SNOW REMOVAL on such highway.  A Selectman or a duly designated official of the Town of Pawlet, or a Constable, State Police Officer or Deputy Sheriff shall cause any motor vehicle found in violation of this regulation to be removed at the expense of the owner.

A person violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than $15.00 or more than $50.00 for each offense.

Effective June 25, 1978