Interim Zoning Administrator, Nancy Morlino, 802-325-3309, ext. 3. Office hours are every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or by appointment. Email:
Zoning Regulations
The latest revision (as of 2023) of the Pawlet Zoning Regulations and other information related to zoning can be found below. Please click on the link to view the information you want.
Zoning Permits: The Town of Pawlet zoning fee schedule, effective as of June 1, 2015, can be viewed here: Zoning Fee Schedule 2015.
Application forms are available here:
Zoning Permit: Pawlet_Zoning_Permit_2015
Conditional Use Permit: Pawlet_Zoning_Conditional_Use_2015
Variance: Pawlet_Variance_2015
Subdivision: Application for Subdivision Permit 2016
Subdivision Boundary Adjustment/Two Lot Subdivisions: Application for Subdivision Permit Boundary Adj Two Lot 2016 Subdivision Permit Approval 2016
Subdivision Permit Approval: Subdivision Permit Approval 2016